7-Bean Mix

The 7-bean mix in Central Regional TakeHome cases includes: Navy, Pinto, Black, Great Northern, Soy, Kidney, and Cranberry beans.

To prepare:

  • Sort beans and discard discolored or shriveled beans or any foreign matter, and rinse. Bring 1lb of beans and 10 cups of water to a boil for 3 minutes, cover, and set aside overnight.

To cook:

  • drain, rinse, and return beans to pot, adding three cups of water for each cup of soaked beans.
  • Add herbs and spices at this point, but not salt or acidic ingredients such as tomatoes, which slow cooking (these will be added at the end of cooking).
  • Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer uncovered until tender, 45 to 90 minutes, checking periodically. When done, drain and use in salads, soups, and other recipes.7_bean-mix_trans

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