INGREDIENTS Baby or new potatoes Olive oil or Earth Balance Malt vinegar or rice wine vinegar Sea Salt PREPARATION Preheat oven to 400 °F. Scrub potatoes gently, leaving skins …
My Garden 2.0: Time is Right for Spring Cleaning and Planting
It finally rained in the Bay Area and I’m ready to attack the garden with full force. This little plot of the backyard was a dustbowl when I moved into the house last June. Over a month of weekends …
Eat the Peel: Apples’ Anti-Cancer Agents Are in the Skin
Everyone knows the old adage “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” but research over the last two decades has begun to reveal why that is true: strongly antioxidant polyphenols that reside in the …
Late Summer Salad
Recipe by Rebecca North, FruitGuys fruit buyer INGREDIENTS 1 cup Yukon gold potatoes, scrubbed and cut into bite-size pieces 1/4 cup purple bell peppers, cored, seeded, and sliced 1/4 cup …