America's #1 Original Office Fruit Provider
Delivering farm-fresh fruit and clean-ingredient snacks to employees nationwide.

What’s Fresh This Week?
Enter your zip code to see what’s in your seasonal mix
How It Works
Check out our products & services
Each week our buyers choose what's most delicious in season near you and create special regional fruit and veggie mixes. Purchase our classic mixes or bulk produce. Our healthy snacks can be purchased in variety mixes, with or without fruit, and in bulk.
Decide How much to order
We recommend starting with a box with 2 pieces of fruit per person per week. For a 25-person office: try a Harvest Mix, Large (50-servings), delivered weekly; and a Thoughtful Snacks Mix, Medium (75-servings), delivered every other week. Connect with us and we can help you craft a custom program.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
We guarantee our products 100% and will replace your order or issue a credit if you are ever unhappy with the quality. No hassle.
Join the thousands of companies that work with us nationwide

We Fight Hunger and Support Small Farms with Every Purchase

We donate a minimum value of 20% annual profits towards relieving hunger and supporting small farms.