5 Ways to Celebrate National Fruit at Work Day

Tuesday, October 1, 2024, is—drumroll please—the 10th annual National Fruit at Work Day! This niche but momentous occasion is your opportunity to celebrate the joys of eating fruit at work

group in office with fruit

Why Celebrate National Fruit at Work Day?

Eating fruit at the office can bring you a lot of benefits, including:

Employers can also benefit when their teams make eating fruit at work a regular habit. After all, happy, healthy, and energized workers are more productive, and may ultimately have lower healthcare costs and take fewer sick days—which is great for the bottom line. 

The FruitGuys created National Fruit at Work Day in 2014 to help spread the word about the wonders of farm-fresh fruit, and we still celebrate it every year. We’d love to see you join us!

Collage of three photos, people with fruit at work

5 Fun Ways to Celebrate 

Want to celebrate National Fruit at Work Day, but not sure how to get started? Here are five ideas from our fruit experts for employees and HR professionals. 

1. Wear and share your FruitFit to win snacks from The FruitGuys!

On October 1, wear your best fruit-themed outfit (aka FruitFit) to work and invite your coworkers to do the same. Then, take a photo of yourself and/or your team for our contest. Whether you throw on a banana-inspired tie, a strawberry-themed dress, or a tropical fruit button-down, we want to see your creativity shine.

Woman sitting at desk with mango printed shirt. National Fruit at Work Day: 1st Tues. in Oct. logo.

To enter, post your photo(s) on social media with the hashtag #FruitFit, and tag The FruitGuys in your post. (We’re @fruitguys on Facebook, Instagram, and X, and The FruitGuys on LinkedIn.) The first 50 people to share photos will win a personal snack box from The FruitGuys, and we’ll send a treat to participating teams, too. 

Good luck topping this little guy’s outfit!

Dog in shirt with bananas on it, eating a banana

2. Host a fruit-themed event at your office, like a fruit tasting or mini farmers market. 

Hosting an event is a great way to get your team excited about eating fruit at work. You can plan it yourself with help from a local farmer, farmers market, or grocery store, or reach out to our FruitGuys team for help. We have hubs around the country that can help support and coordinate events like fruit tastings, fruit-themed lunch-and-learns, and more.

3. Invite a nutrition expert to speak about the benefits of enjoying fruit at work

Reach out to a local dietician or nutritionist and invite them to speak to your team about how eating more fresh fruit can boost their health. Employees tend to eat about one-third of their daily calories in the office, so it’s a great place to form a healthy habit. 

fruit bowl on table

4. Order a case of seasonal fresh fruit for your coworkers to share. 

Imagine your team walking into the break room on October 1 to discover a table of fresh, local apples waiting for them. What a wonderful National Fruit at Work Day surprise! To put a display together, connect with a local farmer in your area and ask what’s fresh, or order fruit by the case from The FruitGuys. 

5. Add farm-fresh fruit delivery to your wellness program.  

Fruit is as delicious as it is nutritious, but workers will only eat it if it’s readily available. To make healthy habits easier, make sure fruit is always available in your break room, kitchen, or other employee gathering spot. Offering free food at work is a popular perk: Not only will it boost your team’s health, but it can also help with hiring, productivity, engagement, retention, and more

There are a bunch of ways to keep your fruit stash stocked, but one of the easiest is scheduling a recurring fruit box delivery. That way, you can sit back and relax knowing that fruit will be on the way when you need it. However you celebrate National Fruit at Work Day on October 1, we hope you have fun and enjoy a juicy piece of fresh fruit.

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