The ROI of The FruitGuys Fruit

The personality of a workplace will determine what shape a successful health and wellness program will take. One thing is certain—companies that institute wellness programs reap a variety of benefits, from greater productivity to increased retention. When you consider the positive impacts these programs achieve through incentivizing healthy behaviors among employees, their return on investment becomes clear.

fruitguys fruit displayPromoting healthy eating is common in health and wellness programs. Many companies are veering away from traditional vending machines that carry candy bars and chips, and are providing fruit and other nutritious snack options instead. Since 1998, thousands of successful companies have been working with The FruitGuys to bring farm-fresh fruit and healthy, clean-ingredient snacks to their offices every week. We’ve received many testimonials from our customers on what they love about the program and why they believe it’s a worthwhile investment. And beyond what we’re hearing directly, there’s ample evidence to support the ROI of wellness programs in all kinds of workplaces.

Benefits of Health and Wellness Programs

Supporting your employees’ well-being not only benefits individual workers, but also boosts your company’s bottom line. Here are some ways that health and wellness programs keep both workers and companies healthy:

  • Improved productivity. Sustained energy and focus are key to productivity. Consuming fruits and vegetables makes people  experience curiosity, motivation, and engagement, according to a study by the British Psychological Society.
  • Happy workers. Employees who participate in their company’s wellness programs tend to be more satisfied and feel more positively toward the company than those who aren’t offered the opportunity or choose not to, according to a study by Aflac.
  • Community building. Experiences such as group fitness and sharing fruit influence social interaction between coworkers and promote greater collaboration.
  • Health-care savings. The healthier employees are, the less money they will spend on healthcare. Losing weight and reducing body mass index can result in health care savings for employees and employers.

According to a 2017 survey The FruitGuys conducted among its clients’ HR professionals, the top three goals for employee wellness programs are:

  1. Promoting healthy eating habits
  2. Boosting morale and productivity
  3. Bolstering job satisfaction and happiness

Fruit Plays a Significant Role

More companies are providing better-for-you snack options as part of their wellness programs, and fruit is one of the healthiest snacks available.

Consider the numerous health benefits of eating fruit:

  • Fruit provides sustained energy because its natural sugars, combined with its fiber, micronutrients and phytochemicals, are processed differently in the body than table sugar. Fiber in whole fruit slows the release of sugar into the bloodstream and provides sustained energy, as opposed to the energy crash experienced after eating a donut or sugary coffee drink.
  • Fiber content in fruit promotes better digestion and reduces cholesterol levels.
  • Fruit consumption has been linked to weight loss, reduction of obesity, and better heart health.
  • Fruit lowers the risk of cancers, including those of the mouth, lungs, and stomach.

Why The FruitGuys Fruit is Best

Companies receiving The FruitGuys fruit reported large increases in job satisfaction and employee performance scores. According to our survey of HR professionals, their companies reported major benefits from providing fruit to employees:

  • 64 percent said job satisfaction increased.
  • Employee performance scores increased by more than 22 percent.
  • Some companies experienced a decrease in unscheduled employee absences, and none experienced an increase.

Weekly fruit deliveries from The FruitGuys can help your company grow by contributing to employee productivity, happiness, community-building, lower health-care costs, and a sense of accomplishment. The FruitGuys supports organic growers and small, independent, family-run farms. Regional buyers select unique heirloom fruits and tropical favorites along with the season’s best offerings from local farms whenever possible.

In addition, The FruitGuys GoodWorks initiatives reduce hunger, support first responders, and offer opportunities for companies and workers to give back to their communities, while the nonprofit FruitGuys Community Fund provides small grants with big impacts to small farms and agricultural nonprofits for environmental and economic sustainability projects.

The ROI of including The FruitGuys fruit in your company’s health and wellness program is one of the healthiest investments your company can make.

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