FruitGuy Noir in The Sugar Crash

I got the call around 2 p.m. They said a candy sugar crash had hit their place of work. This can be a tough town, I told them. There is always a clear plastic bowl filled with miniature chocolates in reception. 

This time of year the Halloween candy can show up early. It’s criminal – and food crimes are the worst. They asked if I could come right over with a solution. I told them The FruitGuys were on the job.

When I arrived at the scene, it wasn’t pretty. Tiny foil wrappers were everywhere. Employees were huddled in corners, their lips smeared with chocolate, their bodies shaking from the sugar rush. Some were asleep at their desks, M&M’s spilled haphazardly near their mouths. It was like a modern-day Pompeii – except that this Vesuvius was spewing processed-sugar that froze team members in their tracks.

I pulled out The FruitGuys Harvest crate and began to administer emergency fruit. 

image of organic harvest large fruitbox

“This is a Bartlett pear,” I said calmly to a senior VP.  “It’s sweet and has more fiber than an apple.” She took the fragrant yellow pear and bit into it, then slowly stirred back to full consciousness. 

“And this,” I said to a lawyer who was stuck mid-brief, “is a plumcot. Their season is coming to an end soon. It’s a perfect pick-me-up.”

I turned around just as a zombie-like pack of coders approached the box. They stopped and swayed, staring. 

“Green grapes?” one asked. 

“It’s okay,” I said. “Think of it as a green light.” 

I barely stepped aside in time as they charged and devoured the rest of the fruit. 

Twenty minutes later the crime scene had transformed into a productive hub of wide awake people, working at top form, fueled the natural way.

Fall fruit is ramping up as the summer fruit begins its exit, stage left. As always, check your regional mix to see what’s in your box this week. 

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