March Produce Update: What to Expect in Your Fresh Fruit Delivery

We’re still a few weeks away from the vernal equinox (the official beginning of spring), but in California, it’s starting to feel like a new season. The hills in San Francisco are finally green again after a rainy winter. My family and I are getting outside more often to enjoy the color and the sunshine. Meanwhile, the fresh fruits of spring are starting to arrive!

Fresh Fruits Coming Soon

Strawberries & Blueberries

We’re excited to see California strawberries and blueberries this month. I recently had some strawberries from Watsonville, California—a large strawberry-growing area about two hours south of San Francisco—and the berries were a good size, bright red, and sweet. We’re keeping an eye on the weather, though, because too much rain can delay the harvest and even damage the berries (which is what happened in February).

Container of strawberries in a farm field
Fresh-picked strawberries from JSM Organics, a farm partner of The FruitGuys

Ojai Pixie Tangerines

We’re also welcoming our favorite late-winter citrus in March: the Ojai Pixie tangerine! These citrus fruits are small, sweet, easy to peel, juicy, and very low in acid. I love Pixies and have been known to eat a handful in one sitting.

Tangerines on the tree
Fresh Ojai Pixie tangerines at Friend’s Ranches, a farm partner of The FruitGuys

Our farm partners in California’s Ojai Valley tell me they have a bumper crop this year, and much of the fruit is on the smaller side (perfect for snacking). Look for Pixies in our West Coast conventional mixes, and if you want to make sure you get a taste, order a case for your office here.

Winter Citrus

Even though we’re heading into spring, winter citrus is still going strong. Last year, the low fruit set (number of flowers that developed into fruits) and rain really affected the supply and size of the fruit, but this year, we’re rolling along with abundant fruit, especially smaller mandarins, navels, Cara Caras, blood oranges, and Minneola tangelos.

Cara Caras growing on the tree
Cara Cara oranges on the tree at Bee Sweet Citrus, a farm partner of The FruitGuys


The apple harvest wrapped up in late fall and early winter, but our farm partners in California, Pennsylvania, and Michigan stashed some of their most delicious fruits away for us. We’re still delivering their farm-direct apples as long as supplies last, and we’re grateful to share them in our mixes across the country.

Hands holding apple
Fresh fall apples at Frecon Farms, a farm partner of The FruitGuys

How to Check This Week’s Fresh Fruit Delivery

Of course, the fruits in your box will vary depending on your mix and your region. To see which of these fruits are available in your area this week, check out our mix page and enter your zip code. I hope you enjoy the changing season and the last few winter fruits before they’re gone!

The FruitGuys box surrounded by fresh fruit

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