Popping Red Flint Corn

Adapted from baianicchia.blogspot.com

Red Flint corn makes great popcorn; however, when freshly harvested, only about 40 percent of kernels will pop. To increase popping efficiency, let the corn dry for a few weeks (out of the bag) in a cupboard or on a counter. Or you can dry the corn in an oven at 125°F for 4–6 hours or so. The best way to test if the popcorn is completely dry is to try to pop a tablespoon or 2 of kernels. If they all pop, you’re good to go; if not, let them dry a while longer.

How to Pop

  1. Add enough peanut, sunflower, safflower, or canola oil to lightly coat the bottom of a 6-to 8-quart lidded pot (heavy-bottom pots work best).
  2. Add ½ to ⅔ cup popcorn kernels (depending on the size of the pot), and shake gently to cover with oil.
  3. Heat to medium-high and leave lid cracked just enough to let steam escape but not popcorn.
  4. Once popping starts, shake periodically until there are 2–3 seconds between pops, and remove from heat.
  5. Add melted butter, salt, and/or your seasoning of choice.

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