Winter Citrus Salad

Recipe by Tanya Milosevich


  • 1–2 blood oranges
  • 1–2 navel oranges
  • 1–2 satsumas
  • 2–4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 1–2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar, preferably aged
  • Salt and pepper
  • ½–1 cup salt-cured black olives, chopped (optional)
  • Romaine lettuce heart leaves


  1. Supreme and deseed the citrus (see Cook’s note), and place segments in a bowl.
  2. Combine olive oil and vinegar in a small bowl, and add salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Pour the dressing over the citrus segments, and sprinkle on chopped olives (if using).
  4. Serve alone or on a small bed of Romaine heart leaves.

Serves 4. Prep time, 10 minutes.

Cook’s note: “Supreming” is the term used to describe cutting away peel and pith and slicing segments from between the citrus membranes.

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