Workplace Wellness Resolutions: 7 Goals for a Healthier Work Life

It’s the time of year where resolutions of all kinds are in the air. We spend so much time in the office; why not focus on workplace wellness resolutions this year?.

Team members boosting morale with high fives in a supportive and healthy work atmosphere.

Many habits are instilled during our workday hours. While it’s easy to scoff at this cliched practice of coming up with resolutions and goals for the new year, research shows that people who create specific goals and actually write them down have a greater chance of achieving them. Here are seven ways to jumpstart your workplace wellness resolutions:

1. Eat Healthy Snacks First

Some workplaces are generous with their snack options, so prioritize the healthiest options first when looking for a snack. What does that mean? Reach for fresh fruit or vegetables first, then snacks that include fiber and/or protein, and try to avoid breads, cereals, and chips. Nuts and trail mixes can help you feel full and satisfied. The FruitGuys offers a wide selection of fruits and healthy snacks that will satisfy a craving and give you energy without a carb crash.

2. Start Now

Let momentum work in your favor. Consider what you want to prioritize this year and start today. This tip may help those who roll their eyes at annual resolutions—who says January 1 has to be the start date? And if you find that you break your resolution, don’t give up—start again. Every day is a chance to start over and make healthier choices.

3. Use Your Breaks to Move

It’s easy to waste this time getting back to work or scrolling through social media at your desk. Instead, take back your breaks and use them to walk away from your computer. Literally, take a walk! A break from your desk can do wonders for your focus and productivity.

Use breaks as a chance to rest your brain and get your heart rate up. Even five minutes of movement counts. If your work shoes aren’t comfortable, bring a pair of walking shoes and keep them at your desk for an easy switch. Take a brisk walk around the block or down the stairs to get your heart pumping. Or try a Desk Sun Salutation. Moving during breaks may not come naturally at first, but resolve to do it at least twice a day, every day, and eventually, you will look forward to it.

4. Team Up!

We spend a lot of time with our coworkers and their habits (good or bad) have a big influence on us. Share your goals with your colleagues and find a buddy to join you for healthy snacks or walks. Be positive and encourage others around you to set attainable wellness goals.

5. Change Up Your Commute

Sitting in traffic isn’t ideal to feel your best self. Consider improving your commute. This could be as game-changing as walking or biking to work a couple of times a week, or just turning on a podcast that makes you smile or teaches you something each day. Whether it’s using alternative transportation, public transportation, or adding happy music to your morning, resolve to make your commute time meaningful.

6. Be an Office Hero

Creating a healthier environment in the office starts with you. Talk to HR, join or create a wellness committee and see what you can do to improve break room food options, or begin office-wide fitness challenges such as a Stairing Contest. If your company doesn’t have a full-blown comprehensive wellness program, you can still be a part of positive change.

7. Stay Grateful

Work can be stressful after the holidays. Stress can be the first thing to lead you down your bad habit trail and kill your goals. Resolve to write down three things each day that you are grateful for. It may feel silly at first but by reminding yourself what really matters in your life, it can keep you grounded and motivated through stressful work and life events. For more ideas, read 3 Steps to a Happier Work Life.


Which workplace wellness resolutions speak to you the most? Try one or all, ideally with a friend or colleague for support. While resolutions may not be your ‘thing’, this is a great time of year to reflect back on the previous year and consider where you want to be 365 days from today.

Dana Merrill has a bachelor’s degree in nutrition and dietetics. She is passionate about holistic wellness, eating fruit, and writing.

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