FruitGuys Farm-to-School Program: 2023-24 Highlights
- By Lex Flamm
- Reading Time: 4 mins.
The 2023-24 school year was the busiest yet for the FruitGuys Farm-to-School Program, and we couldn’t be more proud of the work our school team has done to bring fresh fruit and vegetables to students across California.

Our Farm-to-School Program: By the Numbers
These numbers were possible in part because we provide produce options for every meal that schools serve. We also work with state and federal grants like the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) which give low-income schools additional funds to offer fresh fruit and veggies. The schools we serve have truly incredible nutrition services teams. They work hard to keep their students fed, often offering year-round programs and three meals a day plus snacks.
“For some kids, the meals and snacks they get at school are their main source of food all day, so our fruit and vegetables matter—what we serve them matters.”
–Carol Stewart, The FruitGuys’ director of school program development
During this past school year, our Farm-to-School Program expanded into new grants, connected with new farms, and worked closely with districts to bring in more local-to-them produce. Here’s a quick look at some of the highlights of the year for our school team.
Attending The CDFA & CSNA Annual Conferences
In October 2023, FruitGuys Director of School Program Development Carol Stewart and FruitGuys President Erik Muller attended the California Department of Food and Agriculture’s CA Farm to School Conference at Azia Farms in Palm Springs, California. They met with other farm-to-school programs to share tips, swap resources, and find even more ways to help California kids.

Then, just a few days later, most of the school team—including Carol, Krista Feldhouse, Krizzia De La Cuesta, and Jaysa Tabbada—met up with FruitGuys CEO Erin Mittelstaedt and Operations Manager Billie Goodricke at the California School Nutrition Association’s Annual Conference. The FruitGuys Farm-to-School Program had an eye-catching booth, and both current and potential customers came by to grab a delicious piece of fruit and catch up.
Visiting School Districts: Winter 2023
In December 2023, Carol and Erin visited three California school districts. The nutrition services staff welcomed them with open arms, and they even had a chance to see students sampling FruitGuys produce.
“It was wonderful visiting the schools, seeing the kids enjoy the produce, and seeing what a highlight of their day it was,” Carol said. “We got to talk to them and found out that they look forward to the fresh fruit! That wasn’t always the case—you couldn’t bribe them to eat a piece of fruit before—but it has really changed. I also loved seeing first-hand how we’re helping the kitchen staff and making their days easier.”
The Farm to School Kickoff
In February, The FruitGuys team visited the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) to participate in their Farm to School Kickoff. They were there in partnership with the Community Alliance With Family Farmers’ 2024 California Small Farm Conference.
Carol, Erik, and Billie made the trip along with FruitGuys Produce Buyer Miguel Esteban Robles, who sources produce for the Farm-to-School Program. The team made some great connections with LAUSD’s nutrition services’ upper-level management as well as farmers from around the state.
Sponsoring the Banning High School Fun Run
The FruitGuys Farm-to-School Program was proud to sponsor the Banning High School Fun Run on April 26. It was a great fit with our mission to help kids stay healthy and active.

Tabling at the Mountain View Community Fair
In May, Miguel represented the Farm-to-School Program at Mountain View School District’s Mountain View Community Fair. He passed out fresh peaches and lychees to students and their families—the booth was a big hit!
Visiting School Districts: Spring 2024
Just one day later, Carol and Erin got together for another round of California school visits in the greater Los Angeles area. This time, they checked on five districts. Erin loved meeting the nutrition services teams and seeing their passion for their work. As Carol put it, there were “big hugs” all around.
Hosting The Santa Maria-Bonita Unified School District
On June 5, Carol, Erin, Czaranah, and Krizzia were thrilled to host the director of Santa Maria-Bonita Unified School District, Carlos Murta, and nineteen school nutrition services managers at The FruitGuys’ San Francisco office and warehouse. Operations Manager Nicole Wagner took them on a tour of the facility and demonstrated taking the brix and pressure readings on a piece of fruit. Erin also shared The FruitGuys’ mission and story.

Sponsoring the Hacienda Student Chef Cooking Contest
Though the school team can’t make it in person to the Hacienda Student Chef Cooking Contest on June 13, the Farm-to-School Program is proud to sponsor the event. We hope to cheer the kids on in person next year.
Final Thoughts on the Year
The 2023-24 school year was a huge success for the FruitGuys Farm-to-School Program and the schools and students that we serve.

“When I think of our school year, the first word that comes to mind is ‘proud,’” said Krista, the FruitGuys’ school account senior coordinator. “Carol started the program in 2008 and then I came along shortly after, and just to see how much it has grown I feel tremendous pride in what we’ve done. I think we can go even bigger and better for the kids and our customers in the years to come.”
To keep up with the latest Farm-to-School Program news and learn more about what we offer schools, check out the program’s website.