Innovate, problem solve, and ehnance creative thinking! Join Shannan Slevin in this movement and breath focused sequence to shift your perpective and illuminate new ways of seeing things. …
Air: Expand Your View
Refresh your mind and perspective with mindfulness practices and a guided air meditation. Cultivate a beginner's mind, a childlike perspective, and a traveler's mindset to ease stress and problem …
Air: Mind, Body Refresh
Breathe to full lung capacity, refreshing the body and the brain. A chest opening stretch sequence is followed by a mindfulness visualization exercise to revitalize your perspective. …
Air: Increase Creativity
Promote creativity in this guided meditation focused on mindfulness principles, visual observations, shoulder mobility, spinal mobility, side flexion, and a spinal roll down. …
Air: Vision
Open your mind to new opportunities with a guided meditation and breathing visualization, followed by a neck, shoulder, and spinal sequence to lengthen your body and expand your breath and insight. …
Air: Explore the Possible
Explore the expansiveness of your breath with a guided meditation, followed by the 9-count breathing exercise and a full body standing stretch sequence that includes lateral spinal flexion and spinal …
Air: Mental Clarity
Illuminate and release your mind through this visualization and guided meditation, followed by a full body standing stretch sequence focused on spinal articulation, shifts of perspective, and forward …
Air: Fresh Perspectives
Clear the static with this meditation, visualization, and a full body standing stretch sequence. This will help shift your perspective and enhance your critical thinking and innovation skills. …
Take a Breather Air Shannan Slevin
Innovate, problem solve , and ehnance creative thinking! Join Shannan Slevin in this movement and breath focused sequence to shift your perpective and illuminate new ways of seeing things. …
Air: Out of the Box
Invite creativity, inspiration, fresh perspectives, and childlike play into your day. Multiple breathing exercises including horse breath and the 80/20 breath, while using our hand as a prop to …
Air: Expand Your Horizon
Enjoy this playful sequence that uses the analogy of a balloon to explore the breath. Oxygenate and expand as you breathe in fresh perspectives with a visualization exercise and chest opening stretch …
Take a Breather Air Shannan Slevin
Refresh your mind and perspective with mindfulness practices and a guided air meditation. Cultivate a beginner's mind, a childlike perspective, and a traveler's mindset to ease stress and problem …