Young Vitis labrusca aka the Fox Grape grew up on a farm in Concord MA in the 1850s. Hitching the rails to Hollywood and then shooting to stardom in TV-land under the moniker "Concord" this grape …
Champagne Grapes
Dah-ling, what better way to kick off the morning meeting than with itsy bitsy champagne grapes. Black Corinth grapes, sweetie. Corinth as in Greece, as in Onassis. These grapes are just the cutest …
Canadice Grapes
Fruit mascots everywhere have their tailors look at the Canadice grape for inspiration. Luscious reddish-purple orbs cascade beautifully down the vine. …
Black Grapes
Grapes are a fat-free, low-calorie snack. A cup of grapes is only around 100 calories. Grapes of all varieties are high in vitamins C and K and contain potassium and fiber. …
Autumn Royal Grapes
A true aristocrat - loyal subjects must wait in the hot summer sun for this fancy grape to show up. Elongated deep purple berry - this grape is a prince among table grapes. …