Ida Red apples are the darlings of the apple world. The Ida comes from Idaho where they were conceived at the Idaho Agricultural Experimental Station. It's a cross between a Jonathan and a Wagener—and …
Honeycrisp Apple
Sweet and crunchy. For the foley, or sound effect artist, the crunch of these apples can simulate the sound of a crashing tree. …
Royal Gala Apple
Grown in the 1970s from a single Gala cultigen (from the Latin cultus = cultivated, and gens = kind), a branch cutting, this is a pink-red dessert apple. …
Ginger Gold Apple
This early-ripening variety is often the first fresh eating apple of the year. Ginger Gold apples originated from a chance seeding on a Virginia farm in the late 1960s. …
Esopus Spitzenberg Apple
This apple is thought to be one of Thomas Jefferson's favorites. The Esopus Spitzenberg apple set its root in Woodstock (Ulster County NY) long before Jimmy, Bobby, Bowie, or Thelonious. …
Empire Apple
New York is the Empire State and apples are the state fruit. These babies had Red Delicious and McIntosh apples for parents. …
Crispin Apple
The Crispin hails from Northern Japan and is now grown in New York. Related to the Golden Delicious, this apple also goes by the name Matsu. …
Crimson Gold Apple
University rivals Indiana and Purdue contend over the Crimson and Gold Cup every year, the school with most athletic points wins. Everyone who eats the mighty little crimson and gold apple wins! …
Cortland Apple
Another hit from the New York State Agricultural Experimental Station in Geneva, NY - the Cortland. It looks like a Mac, smells like a Mac, walks like a Mac – but is a bit sweeter. …
Buckeye Gala Apple: Health Benefits and Selection Guide
Buckeye Gala apples, known for their vibrant red color and sweet taste, are an offshoot of the popular Gala apple variety. In this blog, we'll dive into their history, nutritional value, culinary …
Arkansas Black Apple
Arkansas Black apples are heirloom apples known for their exquisite flavor. They are thought to be a descendant of the Winesap apple. With striking ebony-red skin and dense ivory flesh, Arkansas …
Fuji Apple
Bred in Japan in the 1930s, the Fuji was grafted from Virginian apple royalty Rawls Jennet and Iowa’s Red Delicious. Extremely popular in Japan and the USA. About the size of a baseball (yakyuu no …
Braeburn Apple
Braeburn apples are crispy! A sweet and tart apple with a yellow flesh and orange to red skin so thin it melts in your mouth. …
Ambrosia Apple
Eris, the Goddess of Strife, chucked a golden apple at Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera with the message, "For the fairest." A fight breaks out like a foul ball in the stands at Shea Stadium. Zeus settles …
September Wonder Fuji Apple
Bred by the famous Stark Brothers, The September Wonder also goes by Jubilee. September Fuji is an early Fuji—which is great for those who anxious for the Fuji season to begin. …
McIntosh Apple
This is the apple that fell on Newton’s AND Steve Wozniak’s head! The very apple that started it all came from a tree that was scorched when Canadian Farmer John McIntosh’s farm burned in 1884. Every …
Hillwell Braeburn Apple
A sport from the Braeburn family - that's like being from a famous family like Rockefeller, Getty or Windsor. These rosy apples have a wonderful scent and taste, and they are all outstanding. …
Myra Fuji Apple
The Fuji is a wildly successful and well-loved apple. Many of its "sports" have received accolades and patents. The Myra is a pink offshoot discovered by Myles Van Leuven in an orchard near Prescott, …
Zestar Apple
Zestar is a relatively new apple bred in Minnesota to withstand their weather. Minnesota, where all the women are strong, and the children above average, and the apples crisp. …
Crimson Gala Apple
Crimson – the color of kings and apples in fairy tales. The Crimson Gala is large and crisp with a few spots of green. Only take this apple from your reputable FruitGuy and not witches in disguise. …