Protect Your Mental Health at Work With This Weekly Reset

As head of data and information systems at The FruitGuys, I’ve found that balancing work and personal time can be a challenge. Luckily, I discovered a three-step practice that helps me protect my mental health at work, reset, and make the most of my time off. I call it “Reflect, Prep, and Clean.”  

Jessica Bickis, head of data and information systems
Jessica Bickis, head of data and information systems at The FruitGuys

This simple yet powerful routine takes just 30–60 minutes, and it’s a great practice for the end of the week or just before a vacation. I find it works best paired with an afternoon treat. Lately, I’ve been reaching for a seltzer with fresh lime juice and frozen blueberries or an iced hibiscus tea with mint! 

Here’s a quick look at each step of the process so that you can try it out yourself.

Step 1: Reflect

Man relaxing at desk

Take a moment to reflect on the week that has passed. What did you accomplish? Who did you collaborate with? What challenges did you face, and where did you find success? I find this reflection helps me appreciate the progress I’ve made and avoid getting lost in the chaos.

Step 2: Prep

Woman with headphones working on computer

Give yourself time to prepare for the upcoming week. Schedule any necessary follow-up meetings, emails, and project kick-off meetings. Set up your calendar for the coming week/after your vacation with time blocks for specific tasks and projects. This way, you can walk into Monday morning with a clear plan and a sense of direction.

Step 3: Clean

Checklist with pen and calculator

Tidy up your calendar for the following week and declutter your inbox. You can also clean up your projects and tasks in your company’s task management software (if you use one). By doing this, you’ll reduce anticipatory stress and ensure everything is in order for the week ahead. It’s a small step that makes a big difference in how smoothly things run.

How Resetting Boosts Your Mental Health at Work

I’m still a work in progress, and incorporating this routine into my regular schedule has been transformative. This practice has made my weekends truly restorative, helped me reclaim control over my time and priorities, and given me the clarity and energy I need to enrich my personal and professional lives. It could do the same for you! 

I encourage you to give “Reflect, Prep, and Clean” a try (with your afternoon treat in hand) and keep track of the benefits. With just 30–60 minutes of effort each week, I think you’ll be able to protect your mental health at work and have many productive days ahead.

Another Way to Reset: Exercise Snacking

Man stretching while working at computer

I love my end-of-week and pre-vacation resets, but it’s also imperative to protect your mental health throughout the week. An easy way to do this is with “exercise snacking.” 

I heard about this concept through WellFests, a workplace wellness company that partners with The FruitGuys on our Take a Breather wellness videos. WellFests spoke with Dr. Adrienne Youdim about exercise snacking, and she told them that “studies show that 1–2 minutes of movement done several times a day improves metabolic health, prevents the downside of sedentary activity, [and] increases your ability to incorporate amino acids and preserve lean body mass.” 

I find that a quick walk around the block or a few stretches at my desk is a great way to reset my mind, energize my body, and stay productive during the work week. You can try this on your own, or with a wellness video to guide you. 

FruitGuys employees and customers get access to a free, guided online wellness session every Wednesday. So if your office gets FruitGuys fruit or snacks, that’s a great resource to turn to. We also offer Take a Breather on Demand subscriptions that give you (and your coworkers) access to more than 150 wellness videos to stream any time you need to take a break. 

However you “exercise snack,” I hope you’ll find time to do it at least once a week. It improves my mental health at work just as much as “Reflect, Prep, and Clean”—and it has physical health benefits, too.

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