The FruitGuys Response to COVID-19
- By The FruitGuys
- Reading Time: 2 mins.
March 2020
We will get to the other side of this—together. We wish you, your employees, your vendors, your customers, and their families the best, and especially good health. Please let us know of any way that we can be of help and service to you, your staff, or your community.
To Our Fruit Family & Friends,

As an Essential Service Provider with 22 years of food safety experience, our family business wants to be of service. We want to support you, your teams, people in need, and those on the front lines fighting COVID-19. We are asking for your support of the programs listed below, which we believe can be of help to you while also supporting the sustainability of our company, our farmer networks, and our donation partners.
Our First Ask: For Clients
If your office is closed, please consider forwarding your standing fruit order to hospitals, food banks, and free student meal providers during this time through our Donate A Crate program. Just contact us with your company name and location order addresses to fast track your donation. We will send your purchased boxes to the people who need it most. You can see our donation partners by region on our Hunger Relief Partners page. We are adding more regional donation partners each week.
Our Second Ask: For Everyone
We need your support of our four core initiatives for the sustainability of our company, our farmer networks, and our donation partners:
1. Requests for Donations to Fund Fruit Delivery for Heroes
Please purchase fruit to be sent as donations to health care workers & hospitals, food banks, and free student meal programs. We also need your help spreading the word about this donation program. Please share with your network.
2. Order Fruit or Veggies for Home Delivery
Anyone can order fruit, veggies, snacks, and our wellness boxes (Healthy at Home Kit, Connections Crate) and have it delivered directly to their home. Grocery stores are experiencing delivery delays and stocking issues. We can get your product to you within 48 hours of your order, in most locations. Delivery fees appear after product isselected and zip code is entered in checkout.
3. Purchase Fruit & Snacks for Your Remote Staff
Please let us know if we can send healthy food to staff working from home or other locations to create connection and culture while your workforce is dispersed. Contact us and we will create a custom program for you, and can also arrange for individual product boxes to be sent to you for your own direct distribution to staff.
4. Order Fruit & Snacks for Your Office Staff
If your office is open, please consider ordering for staff working on-site during this crisis. We are currently offering 25% off all office orders. We can work with you to create custom boxes with bagged fruit or individual boxes for no-touch distribution to employees. Contact us and tell us what you want and we will make it happen.