What a Plum-mer!

Summer is flying by faster than a fish on a unicycle and that can only mean one thing: PLUMS. Plums are now joining the parade of stone fruit that began back in June with cherries and apricots, and then joined by peaches, nectarines. 

We are featuring Very Cherry plums from Flavor Tree Farms in our Southern California conventional Harvest boxes. Very Cherry plums are sweet and juicy little hybrids of, yes, a cherry and a plum that burst with flavor. We also have organic Black Amber plums from Homegrown Farms in that region’s organic Harvest mix. 

I wanted to say a few words about fruit hybrids. Whenever we have fruit that is a hybrid, such as the Very Cherry plums, I wanted to make sure that folks understand what hybridization is-and what it isn’t. First of all, any hybridized fruit we buy is not genetically modified. The FruitGuys don’t buy GMO fruit. Hybrid fruits occur naturally in the wild or can be developed by growers through pollination or grafting. This is a simplistic explanation, but I really want our customers to understand that a hybrid fruit variety does not have anything to do with GMO.


Are you eating junk when really you just need to take a break? Recognize the difference between your hunger for food versus the desire for a pause. Register to join us Wednesday, August 9th at 1PM (PST) for a FREE panel with nutrition and wellness experts on:

Virtual FruitExperience

  • The different forms of hunger that may present during your day
  • Benefits of wellness breaks to fight mindless eating
  • Techniques to make breaks a part of your workday


California has a remarkable climate for growing all types of stone fruit. If you receive our Harvest or Season’s Best boxes, you’ve probably been eating some of the best of it. But maybe you don’t know all the steps to the stone fruit parade and would like to know more? How do you know if it’s ripe? How should you store it– fridge or counter? (Hint: too much cold can damage their flavor and consistency.) Can you–should you–eat the skin? 

Join me in my Wayback Machine for tips and a tasting tour of the parade of the summer stone fruit that marches through California each year. Back in the day, I brought a truckload of stone fruit to the View from the Bay show and took the audience from cherries to plums. Let’s party (and watch video) like it’s 2009!


I hope you enjoy whichever stone fruits are flying past you as the summer advances. 

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