Why Tropical Fruit Delivery Is a Treat for All Seasons

For US consumers, the 1970s brought a new wave of tropical fruits to restaurants and grocery stores. Since then, what was once a niche market has become far more mainstream, thanks to advances in transportation and storage, plus increased awareness and consumer demand. Social media and travel patterns have also helped popularize once-exotic fruits like the dragon fruit or lychee.

An array of colorful tropical fruits on leaves and cutting boards
A colorful spread of tropical fruit, including mangoes, passion fruits, dragon fruits (top right, pink and white), pineapple, and more

These days, tropical fruit delivery is big business. In 2023, the US imported more than 550,000 metric tons of mangoes valued at over $570 million, according to the Center for North American Studies. 

For foodies and fruit lovers, it’s easy to understand why. Who doesn’t want to take their taste buds on a tropical adventure? What’s more, tropical fruits provide many health benefits. They’re a source of key vitamins and minerals and boast antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, dietary fiber, and more.  

What Is a Tropical Fruit? 

Kim Edwards, key account manager at Palenque Foods International, which specializes in mangoes from Mexico, explained that tropical fruits are largely defined by their geography—they need  “a warm, humid climate” to grow. (Palenque is one of The FruitGuys’ farm partners, and we occasionally add its mangoes to our Harvest Mixes and offer them in bulk by the case.)

Basket of whole and cut mangoes outside

With some exceptions for greenhouse-grown fruit, the tropical fruit label refers to fruits grown between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. This includes parts of North and South America, Africa, Asia, and Australia.

Bananas are probably the most popular and widely available tropical fruit in the US. They’re also among the most affordable. Other popular tropical fruits include mangoes, pineapples, and papayas—with less common examples like mangosteens and dragon fruits popping up more and more at smoothie bars and on restaurant menus.

“My two favorite fruits of all time are mango and pineapple,” said Miguel Robles, a produce buyer for The FruitGuys based in Southern California. “I love a rambutan, also. That was my first ‘wow’ item, working at The FruitGuys. It was like, what is this? It opened up the world of produce to me.” 

At first glance, he admits the rambutan’s appearance—a red, leathery surface covered in soft, fleshy spines—can seem downright bizarre. “They’re a huge hit during Halloween,” Miguel laughed, “because they’re kind of spooky looking.” 

Whole and halved rambutans on a cutting board with branches

But once you get past the surface, there’s a delightful payoff. “Rambutans are really good to eat,” Miguel said. “They’re sweet and they have kind of a grape-like texture.”

When Are Tropical Fruits in Season? 

When it comes to seasonality, tropical fruits have a natural advantage. That’s because the growing season in tropical regions can be essentially year-round. Some areas will see a brief interruption during their rainy or dry seasons. But many tropical fruits are available on a consistent basis, with occasional gaps due to tropical storms or social/political issues that might interrupt trade or cause delays.

Growers can plant different varieties of the same fruit to extend their growing season. American companies’ ability to import tropical fruits from different countries with different harvesting times has also led to more year-round availability. Mangoes are a great example of this. 

Our Mexico season runs from January until the end of September,” Kim explained. “[Then] from October until January, mangoes are available from Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, and Guatemala.”  

Dragon fruit, which is native to Mexico, Central America, and South America, technically has its peak season in the summer and early fall, but some varieties are available during the winter months as well. The growing season also varies from country to country.  

Whole and sliced dragon fruit on a table
Dragon fruits

With over a thousand different varieties growing in more than 150 countries around the world, bananas are considered in season all year round.

Fresh pineapples are also available throughout the year, though we typically find them at their sweetest and most flavorful during their peak season of March–July. The geography of pineapple growing has spread from its origins in South America near modern-day Brazil to a host of tropical regions from Costa Rica to Indonesia, India, and the US, among others.

Fruit Trends to Watch

In recent years, Miguel has seen a trend among customers looking for variety in their fruit mixes—from mangoes to lychees, Cape gooseberries, and more. “New fruits are just becoming more marketable here,” he said.

Suppliers are matching that willingness to try new things. For example, Miguel said, “I’ve noticed there have been more offerings of dragon fruit between conventional and organic, and in different colors, like yellow and magenta and some other ones.”

Bulk dragon fruits in a The FruitGuys box

Thanks to international farm partners like the Mexican mango growers at Palenque Foods International, The FruitGuys can offer delicious and popular tropical treats throughout the year. 

From her perspective as an importer, Kim has observed certain trends around tropical fruits in recent years. 

“We’re noticing that mangoes in particular are becoming more popular and being recognized for the health benefits, such as high Vitamin C,” she said.

The produce business runs in the family for Kim—she told us that her father was the first person to import Persian seedless limes to the US from Mexico in the early 1980s, starting an early tropical fruit trend.

 “At that time, lemons were mainly being consumed in the US. My father was importing tangerines from Mexico, and a grower asked if he wanted to try some limes that did not have seeds. He did, and the rest is history, as they say. Today, limes are one of the top imported and consumed tropical fruits here in the US,” she said. 

In Tropical Delivery Fruit, Expertise Is Essential

Given the specialized, sometimes delicate nature of tropical fruit delivery, Miguel explains that maintaining relationships with quality suppliers like Palenque and tapping into their expertise makes all the difference. Communication is key—whether it’s between growers and importers or The FruitGuys and our end customers—to optimize timing, logistics, and quality. 

Man behind a table of fruit handing sample to student
Miguel passing out sliced dragon fruit at a school that The FruitGuys delivers to

“Our mission at The FruitGuys is to support small and local farms, so we do try to buy local and domestic as much as possible,” Miguel explained. But he added that building relationships with quality produce importers helps to fill gaps in the calendar when locally grown produce may not be available. It also means that The FruitGuys’ customers, including schools, can access a variety of fresh, healthy produce throughout the year. 

Ten years into his journey with The FruitGuys, Miguel’s curiosity for new and exciting produce continues to grow. 

“I feel like I’m still finding and discovering new fruits that we could share,” he said.

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