Sapodilla fruit

Around the world, Sapodilla is also known as zopota, chikoo, sawo, sofeda… an exotic here, but a beloved domestic fruit around the world. Their taste is best described as caramel, and they can be eaten peeled and sliced. Cut thru the meridian to reveal a beautiful star pattern.

How to eat it:

To tell if a Sapodilla is ready to eat, gently scratch off a little of its brown fuzz—if the skin beneath is green, the fruit isn’t ready; if it’s brown and slightly soft to the touch, it’s ripe. Sapodilla is normally eaten fresh by cutting the fruit in half and scooping out the flesh with a spoon.


Don’t eat Sapodilla seeds, the black seeds inside have a tiny hook that could stick in your throat.

Once ripe, Sapodilla fruit should be eaten within a few days.

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