Wondering how to wow your colleagues at the next office extravaganza? Try using fresh fruit from your FruitGuys box (or the grocery store) to create memorable, enticing fruit platters. They’ll …
10 Helpful Tips for Preventing Holiday Food Waste in the Office
Thanksgiving is the ultimate food-centric holiday, and end-of-year office parties, potlucks, and treats are just around the corner. These cheerful events can easily turn into food waste disasters. …
Are Client Gifts Tax Deductible?
The holiday season is a joyful time, and businesses often like to spread the good cheer with holiday gifts for their clients. Recipients appreciate both the thought and the gift, which creates …
Are You Getting Enough Iron?
Iron is the most abundant element on Earth, yet iron deficiency is the most common nutritional disorder both in the United States and the world, according to the World Health Organization. Iron is …
The Five Aspects of Fitness
Fitness is about that wonderful feeling of exhilaration and power after a good workout. Or is it? Many of us equate fitness with the ability to run, swim, or bike a certain distance, make it through a …
Traditional Paella with Chicken and Beans
Paella has been a favorite in Spanish homes for centuries. Most historians agree that this rice-based dish originated in the Spanish city of Valencia, which has been a significant producer of rice for …
Yoga for Digestion
Nothing is more traditional than eating large festive meals, starting at Thanksgiving and continuing right on through New Year’s Eve. With the days getting colder and darker, we also tend to exercise …
Power Up with Citrus
Once upon a time, back in the Victorian era, citrus fruits were rare and expensive, a delicacy to be enjoyed only on special occasions. Earlier still, for sailors suffering from scurvy on long …
Think Outside the Fruit Bowl
There is more to fruit than meets the taste buds. The vitamins, phytochemicals, and fruit acids that make fruit so healthy can also be effective ingredients in homemade beauty products, natural …
Summer’s Nectar: Stone Fruit
The sweet smell of peaches at farmer’s markets heralds the official arrival of summer. Stone fruit season is here! Nothing captures the golden light of summer like the varied hues of …
Winter Solstice Feast
December brings many celebrations including Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and the Dongzhi Festival. But my favorite is the lesser-known winter solstice. This day marks the shortest day (and longest …
How to Sit Less at Work
You don’t have to qualify as a couch potato to be sitting too much. Most of us spend at least half of our day sitting: at our desks and computers, at meetings or in classrooms, in cars, on transit, …
Walking on the Job
Aristotle and Steve Jobs both did it. Did what exactly? Walking at work. Walking is a great form of exercise and a surprisingly good fit at work. Healthy employees save an organization both time …
How Sweet You Are
Recently I overheard someone at the gym recommending green apples over red ones because they supposedly contain less sugar. This seemed a strange idea, since the sugar in fruit isn’t like added sugar …
Lunch is the Gateway: 9 Lunch Ideas to Improve Your Diet
Breakfast is touted as being the most important meal of the day, but lunch—be it a homemade sandwich or a restaurant meal—gives us the energy for the afternoon’s work as well as an often-needed break …
Ascend to Fitness
Before the 1990s, rock climbers were relatively few and far between, either dedicated aficionados who lived near mountainous areas to pursue their passion or weekend warriors making long drives and …
Try a Sauna for Relaxation and Well-Being
"Life without sauna seems to me impossible."—Urho Kekkonen, former Prime Minister and longest-serving President of Finland The Finnish sauna has been around for thousands of years but only came to …
Orange you Healthy?
The orange of autumn is not only on trees: November is the peak season for winter squash. Although remarkably varied in appearance, winter squashes share an orange-colored flesh rich in antioxidants …
Praising the Pear
Apples have gotten such a good rap (“an apple a day keeps the doctor away”) that the closely-related pear, equally nutritious, should have its own aphorism: “A pear a day keeps sickness at bay.” But …
P.M. Yoga
Back at the computer after lunch, and starting to feel sleepy? Are your neck and shoulders stiffening up? Does sitting hunched over feel uncomfortable? Instead of reaching for coffee or M&Ms for a …