Our founder/CEO Chris Mittelstaedt was featured in the September 2008 issue of Entrepreneur magazine. …
Lifetime Contribution to Sonoma County Agriculture
Congratulations to longtime friend and farmer Lee Walker. Lee is being awarded the “Lifetime Contribution to Sonoma County Agriculture” by the 2008 Sonoma Harvest Fair. The Harvest Fair is an annual …
None of Your Beeswax! (The Get-The-Bees Address)
Four hives and five months ago, The FruitGuys brought forth to Gabriel Farm a prodigious gift of pollination, conceived in the spirit of Farm Stewardship and dedicated to the proposition that all …
The Berkeley Wellness Letter
Great fitness tips and more in the Berkeley Wellness Letter. January's password is salmon. Check out the hard copy in your fruitcrate the first Monday of each month. FREE for FruitGuys customers. …
We ♥ Fruit
February is American Heart Month. Not just the chocolate-filled, pink-foiled, "Will you be my valentine?" heart month, but the 10-oz …
Bees vs. Seeds
Many FruitGuys customers love seedless mandarins and grapes - they've become increasingly popular and even expected. But did you ever wonder how they get the seeds out? There are many varieties of …
Highlight from the November Wellness Letter Wellness Tips: Just a Little Bit of Sugar
As part of your FruitGuys subscription, we provide you and your employees online access to UC Berkeley's Wellness Letter, the newsletter of nutrition, fitness and self-care. It translates leading-edge …
A Summer Poem June 25, 2007
Here's my little poem, I've sprinkled it with rhyme Tis an ode to the fresh sweet tastes of fruit in summertime. Week one of grapes has now arrived from warm California sun We've found again the white …
Sweet as Nectar
We once spent a day driving through the Brentwood agriculture corridor hunting of the perfect nectarine. Brentwood is only a 90 minutes drive from San Francisco and is an ideal oasis near the …
‘Twas the FruitGuys
'Twas two weeks before the holiday when all at work; reports abounded and budgets began to lurk. The memos were posted in the kitchen with care; in hopes that The FruitGuys would soon be there. When …