Orange veggies such as squash, carrots, and sweet potatoes are not only nice to look at on your plate—they're incredibly good for you!
Fruit Delivery | Fresh Organic Produce Delivery
By Nicole Laverty on
Looking to stay cool this summer? Dive into our list of top cooling foods. Learn how water-rich, astringent, and spicy treats can help you beat the heat!
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Tagged With: summer, vegetables
By Rebecca Taggart on
In this must-read guide, learn about the best food grade plastic for your kitchen, including details on health, safety, and how to avoid BPA and phthalates.
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Tagged With: health, sustainability
By Rebecca North on
Discover the science behind apple peels and their natural anti-cancer agents. Learn why the skin is a must-have in your daily diet for better health.
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Tagged With: apple, health benefits
By Rebecca Taggart on
Looking for a miracle food that helps you lose weight, feel full, lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and keeps you regular? Fiber is the answer. Most of us know very little about fiber, beyond …
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Tagged With: apple, berries, fiber, fresh fruit, health benefits, pear, stone fruit
By Rebecca Taggart on
Vitamin D has been getting a lot of attention lately for several reasons. It appears that vitamin D deficiency may affect many more people than previously thought who reside at mid-northern latitudes, …
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Tagged With: winter
By FruitGuys Staff on
Great fitness tips and more in the Berkeley Wellness Letter. January's password is salmon. Check out the hard copy in your fruitcrate the first Monday of each month. FREE for FruitGuys customers. …
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Tagged With: health
By FruitGuys Staff on
February is American Heart Month. Not just the chocolate-filled, pink-foiled, "Will you be my valentine?" heart month, but the 10-oz …
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Tagged With: health
By Jeff Koelemay on
Regular exercise is great for you, even without any other complicated changes to your daily routine. A Duke University study showed that walking just 30 minutes a day could help you lose weight and …
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Tagged With: health
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
A few customers have asked about Swine Flu, fruit, and our packing procedures here at FruitGuys. According to the CDC, Swine flu is transmitted primarily through human contact, not food; we have …
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Tagged With: Nutrition
By Pia Hinckle on
Here are some startling statistics: two out of five women and one out of five men would trade three to five years of their life to achieve their weight goals, according to the Eating Disorder …
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Tagged With: health
By Heidi Lewis on
By Heidi Lewis While the glowering Mr. Jack O' Lantern will certainly do some face-melting in the next week or two, inspiring investigation by the budding entomologists in your family, there is …
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Tagged With: antioxidants, fall, Nutrition, winter
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