In 2016, 8.2 million people finished a 5K race in the U.S., according to Runner’s World. If you’re not one of the die-hards lacing up your running shoes every day, you may be wondering what the …
Fill ’Er Up
Cold, pure water is a baseline perk for office workers. Hydrated workers, after all, are more productive than workers who are as dried out as the discarded husks of molting insects. But if you’re …
Beyond the FMLA
Retaining top talent after that talent has had a baby can be a challenge, so it’s worth taking a look at how your company supports new mothers as they’re transitioning back to work. The federal …
Spring Office Cleaning
Ah, spring—the season of tidying up, decluttering, and cleaning. If you’re like most people, spring-cleaning may happen in your kitchen, garage, and closets—but what about your workplace? After all, …
Financially Fit
Money makes the world go round, but how many of us really know how to harness its potential? Let’s face it: many otherwise savvy Americans are woefully underinformed about financial issues. In many …
How to Reduce your Workplace’s Carbon Footprint
Recycling, eating more plant-based meals, and riding your bike to work are all great ways to reduce your impact on our planet. But what about your place of work? Is your office aware of its carbon …