Fruit Delivery | Fresh Organic Produce Delivery
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
Day 26: The marsh of cubicles has cursed our party. We lost Lenny two days ago to the gurgling fried dough found in the quicksand pits of a budget planning meeting. Sue has been eating the native …
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Tagged With: workplace wellness
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
Here are two things that happened within a half an hour of each other: first, I was in a book store looking for a gift when I spied a rack of books that, for lack of a better description, can only be …
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Tagged With: berries
By FruitGuys Staff on
Congratulations to our fabulous farmer friend and environmental steward, Allen Harthorn of Harpo Organics, who grows succulent organic Valencia oranges in Ventura County. Allen Harthorn and wife, …
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Tagged With: farm
By FruitGuys Staff on
The Valencia oranges in the crates this week are especially juicy. When divided into sections, each segment appears to be a little juice pouch. They are wonderful chilled, divvied, and shared. The …
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Tagged With: citrus
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
Technology and life in general advance so quickly around us that sometimes it's hard to imagine what the future will really hold: What products will last? What will become obsolete? Sure, there are …
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Tagged With: pear
By FruitGuys Staff on
Congratulations to longtime friend and farmer Lee Walker. Lee is being awarded the “Lifetime Contribution to Sonoma County Agriculture” by the 2008 Sonoma Harvest Fair. The Harvest Fair is an annual …
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Tagged With: apple, California
By FruitGuys Staff on
Four hives and five months ago, The FruitGuys brought forth to Gabriel Farm a prodigious gift of pollination, conceived in the spirit of Farm Stewardship and dedicated to the proposition that all …
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Tagged With: pollinators
By Heidi Lewis on
Recently Google celebrated their 10th anniversary. In honor of their birthday, they posted one of their oldest indexes. A search unearthed The FruitGuys very first webpage and a flashback to the early …
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Tagged With: farm
By Jeff Koelemay on
Fruit + Mouth = YUM When you read a digital clock, do you try to make equations out of the time? When you're driving, do you calculate factors of the mile markers and add license plate numbers up to …
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Tagged With: citrus
By FruitGuys Staff on
Great fitness tips and more in the Berkeley Wellness Letter. January's password is salmon. Check out the hard copy in your fruitcrate the first Monday of each month. FREE for FruitGuys customers. …
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Tagged With: health
By FruitGuys Staff on
February is American Heart Month. Not just the chocolate-filled, pink-foiled, "Will you be my valentine?" heart month, but the 10-oz …
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Tagged With: health
By Jeff Koelemay on
Regular exercise is great for you, even without any other complicated changes to your daily routine. A Duke University study showed that walking just 30 minutes a day could help you lose weight and …
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Tagged With: health
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
A few customers have asked about Swine Flu, fruit, and our packing procedures here at FruitGuys. According to the CDC, Swine flu is transmitted primarily through human contact, not food; we have …
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Tagged With: Nutrition
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