The FruitGuys
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By Chris Mittelstaedt on April 18, 2006
A two-year-old boy has a blonde peach-fuzz head, long eyelashes, and sky-blue eyes. He's toddling around the office after his dad - Erik, picking up trash. The inflatable blow-up bouncy-bounce is …
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By Chris Mittelstaedt on April 9, 2006
It's 4:30 on a Friday afternoon at LAX. I'm waiting for my flight to San Francisco to board. A group of five-year-old kids wearing i-pod headphones is singing out of key and out of synch. People wait, …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on April 3, 2006
It must be spring because my son had his first little league game. An hour into the game, as tired kids slumped at their positions, the second to last batter hit a ball between first and second base. …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on March 27, 2006
According to the March 18th, 2006 San Francisco Chronicle article "Apricots fall from favor," in 1980 24,900 acres of California farmland was devoted to apricots while only 14,500 are today. The …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on March 19, 2006
It must have been the time I was eating my Alpha-Bits cereal and watching "Letter-Man" on The Electric Company, that 1970s post-Sesame Street PBS show with the superhero who pulls letters from his …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on March 13, 2006
Here's my elevator pitch: George Cunningham, the grower of this week's Cocktail Grapefruit, could be the Tom Cruise of farming. In the 1988 movie "Cocktail," Cruise moved from New York to Jamaica to …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on March 6, 2006
I love Bob the Builder, that Canadian claymation contractor, if for no other reason that he exists in a world where happiness comes from having a pleasant conversation with an anthropomorphized …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on February 27, 2006
It's 6:00 pm on a Thursday night, the kids are hungry, dinner is ten minutes from blast off and I'm looking for the limbo stick. We pull two chairs back to back, lay the yard-stick across the chair …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on February 20, 2006
Strawberries have a history, too—learn about how they developed into such a popular crop. Plus, our thoughts about why unwrapped produce is the way to go.
By Chris Mittelstaedt on February 13, 2006
I want to offer my apologies and share with you the explanation for the inconsistency in banana ripeness over the last few weeks. On October 4th of 2005, hurricane Stan hit Mexico and generated …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on February 6, 2006
Have I mentioned how impressed I am with nature? I gave it a job review previously. I mean, all those things it does for us, like make the trees magically bud and the gnomes come out and those talking …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on January 30, 2006
You know a trend is emerging when the largest selling newspaper in the world picks it up. Last week The Weekly World News noted on page three that an apple tree was changing a man's life. After …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on January 23, 2006
Dad is on the hood of the family Volvo - jumping up and down and cursing. I'm 18 years old, it's the 4th of July weekend, and we're having a grand old time. Yesterday, I drove the family car into …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on December 12, 2005
Scott, the ice cream store manager, looks up from behind his bushy brown mustache. His feathered hair is a constant windblown reminder of his recent promotion and brand-spanking-new black Trans-Am …
I remember that the Thai police officer smelled like oranges. Out! He yelled, waving his finger and pointing at the three of us sitting in the Toyota minivans middle seat. No one moved. The Brit next …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on November 21, 2005
It is Thanksgiving 1975, and our customer service FruitGuy, Erin Giordano is eight years old. Wild red hair and polyester, she is off at her aunt Dorothy's house in Glendale, California for the …
Oranges are oranges, right? Not so. Did you know that the Navel orange we enjoy in California from late fall to springtime has many different varieties? Growers plant Navels with names like the …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on November 10, 2005
Saturday night and my kids are stuffing ice packs in their shirts. I am FREEEEZING!!! they yell while running around and laughing wildly. How wonderful to feel so excited by such simple, new things. …
The Arkansas Black is a dark, purplish apple and is thought to be a descendant of the Winesap. The Arkansas Black was said to be discovered in Benton County, Arkansas in 1870. These apples come …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on October 25, 2005
It happens once a year, and boy is it exciting. When the Satsumas come out, I make a point to wear orange knickers to the office and speak in verse all day long. Yes, it is the annual Satsuma Zooma …
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