“Try this one, it's the best,” micro farmer Byron Nkhoma says, bending down and plucking a few leaves from an arugula plant. He hands them out for our little group to taste. The leaves are …
Fruit Delivery | Fresh Organic Produce Delivery
By Erin Mittelstaedt on
“Try this one, it's the best,” micro farmer Byron Nkhoma says, bending down and plucking a few leaves from an arugula plant. He hands them out for our little group to taste. The leaves are …
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Filed Under: Chief Banana Tagged With: California, small farms, sustainable agriculture, sustainable farming
By Erin Mittelstaedt on
Helen, my wife's late grandmother, loved the Christmas holiday growing up. It wasn’t the presents that made it special. (Her family lived in rural West Virginia during the Depression and could rarely …
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Filed Under: Chief Banana Tagged With: small farms, sustainable agriculture, The FruitGuys Community Fund
By The FruitGuys on
Every year, Americans buy about 8% more organic products than they did the year before. That’s a remarkable rate of industry growth. You’ve probably put a crisp organic apple or head of lettuce into …
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Filed Under: Health and Fitness Tagged With: California, organic farming, small farms, sustainable agriculture
By Lex Flamm on
Nobody’s perfect. We were all born a tiny bit uneven, whether because of the way our freckles land on our faces or the slightly mismatched size of our feet. Nature leaves its mark on all of us — and …
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Filed Under: Fruit Tips Tagged With: fresh fruit, small farms, sustainable agriculture
By Lex Flamm on
Every winter, FruitGuys Senior Buyer and Chief Fruit Detective Rebecca North counts down the days to the EcoFarm Conference. The event hosted by the non-profit Ecological Farming Association brings …
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Filed Under: FruitGuys News Tagged With: farmers, small farms, sustainable agriculture, sustainable farming
By Lex Flamm on
When Denise Woodard started growing her allergy-friendly cookie company, Partake Foods, she had almost 10 years of experience working at Coca-Cola. But, she said, that food industry knowledge didn’t …
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Filed Under: Profiles Tagged With: giving back, healthy office, healthy snacks, sustainable agriculture
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
Balance feels like something we need these days. Between wild weather (in California at least) and banking instability, finding balance for farmers, and the ag industry in general has been a bit of a …
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Filed Under: FruitGuys News Tagged With: b corp, berries, GoodWorks, spring, support small farms, sustainable agriculture, sustainable farming
By Sheila Cassani on
As we reflect back on another challenging year, we are incredibly grateful for our clients and their positive impact on people and the planet through The FruitGuys GoodWorks Programs. Together in …
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Filed Under: FruitGuys News, Impact Tagged With: b corp, donate-a-crate, fighting hunger, GoodWorks, small farms, sustainable agriculture
By Pia Hinckle on
Rebecca North, The FruitGuys Senior Buyer and chief Fruit Detective, has been awarded the prestigious 2021 Golden Pliers Award from the Ecological Farming Association (EcoFarm). According to …
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Filed Under: FruitGuys News Tagged With: small farms, sustainable agriculture
By The FruitGuys Community Fund on
The FruitGuys Community Fund 2020 grantee farms have sent us their interim updates, and in spite of the pandemic, these farms and organizations have done some incredible work! These 15 small farms and …
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Filed Under: Impact Tagged With: California, Chicago, farm, farmers, fruitguys community fund, New York, Pennsylvania, pollinators, small farms, support small farms, sustainable agriculture
By The FruitGuys Community Fund on
During the COVID-19 crisis, small farms are showing once again just how essential they are to keeping our local communities fed, healthy, and functioning. The FruitGuys Community Fund is excited to …
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Filed Under: Profiles Tagged With: California, farm, farmers, fruitguys community fund, New York, Pennsylvania, pollinators, small farms, support small farms, sustainable agriculture
By Sheila Cassani on
Small, independent, and family-run farms need all the help they can get, as evidenced by the record number of applicants for The FruitGuys Community Fund’s 2016 sustainable agriculture grants: in a 55 …
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Filed Under: FruitGuys News, Impact Tagged With: fruitguys community fund, small farms, small grants, sustainable agriculture
By The FruitGuys Community Fund on
In the Community Fund’s first year of operation, we gave nearly $20,000 in grants to five farms and agricultural nonprofits in California and Pennsylvania. Here are some updates on how their projects …
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Filed Under: FruitGuys News, Impact Tagged With: farm grants, fruitguys community fund, sustainable agriculture, sustainable farming
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