Fruit Delivery | Fresh Organic Produce Delivery
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
FruitGuy Noir spins the stone fruit wheel of fortune and unpacks the similarities and differences between peaches and nectarines for a confused client.
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Tagged With: fruitguy noir, nectarine, stone fruit
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
Peaches are singular and can leave a unique mark on your palate (and memory) that, due to weather and harvest conditions, may never again grace your mouth in the same way.
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Tagged With: stone fruit, summer fruit
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
The beginning of the cherry harvest in late spring is always a gamble. This highly-valued crop is extremely weather sensitive!
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Tagged With: California, stone fruit, summer fruit
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
FruitGuy Noir helps calm an etymologist with a spinning mind avoid the rabbit hole with some fruit and nature
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Tagged With: fresh fruit, fruitguy noir
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
The life cycle and nature of fruit is to eventually return to the earth and plant seeds for future growth. The land stewardship of one of our grantees, Steve Frecon of Frecon Farms, further embodies this regenerative process.
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Tagged With: farm grants, fruitguys community fund, sustainability, sustainable farming
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
In celebration of April, the month of poetry, and our 25th anniversary year, I’m pulling out one of my favorite poems about the Satsuma Mandarin.
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Tagged With: citrus
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
Sometimes simple things help us recognize beauty and change. Like standing on your head and eating an upside-down cake or using a stethoscope to hear millipedes dance. Spring trees flowering now means that summer fruit is just around the corner.
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Tagged With: fruitguy noir, spring, summer fruit
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
As part of our celebration of 25 years in business, we are dusting off some of my classic newsletters. Here’s one from 2006 that reveals the inspiration behind The FruitGuys Bananas.
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Tagged With: Banana
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
Take a look at our 2022 impact report to see what we’ve done this year, with your support, to provide stability to both those in need and small independent farmers. Additionally, heavy rain and flooding in California have affected this year's Strawberry crops.
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Tagged With: b corp, berries, GoodWorks, spring, support small farms, sustainable agriculture, sustainable farming
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
if one counted backwards 25 years, today, February 16, would be the first day of The FruitGuys deliveries of fresh fruit to offices. This must be what they call an “anniversary day,” Who thought happily.
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Tagged With: citrus
By The FruitGuys on
Donate your fruit order to a charity instead of cancelling it and help those in need during this holiday season. We make it easy.
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Tagged With: giving back, GoodWorks, holiday donations
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
Pliny the Elder discusses the Perscia, also called the Persian Apple or Peach, on his podcast with his nephew Pliny the Younger. This fruit was featured in Book 15 of his Natural History series. Tune in as they discuss the peach's various characteristics and history, and coincidentally observe the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius.
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Tagged With: stone fruit, summer fruit
By Pia Hinckle on
The FruitGuys has been named a 2022 Best for the World™ B Corp™ in recognition of its exceptional positive impact in the Community category.
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Tagged With: fighting hunger, fruitguys community fund, small farms
By Sheila Cassani on
Together in 2021, we fed nearly 1 million people in need and helped sustain small farms.
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Tagged With: b corp, donate-a-crate, fighting hunger, GoodWorks, small farms, sustainable agriculture
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