The FruitGuys
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By Chris Mittelstaedt on July 23, 2007
The Russian River in Northern California bends quietly through the thick redwood covered hills of Sonoma County. Communities of shingled, dark wood river houses are tucked into the musky groves and …
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By Chris Mittelstaedt on July 16, 2007
I grew up pretty naive. Before moving from my home town of Philadelphia in the early '90s, I didn't know what to expect of Northern California. I thought that nude beaches were the punch line of a …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on July 8, 2007
I have a confession to make. I love being The Banana. And I just made my world-wide debut on My fruit-buddy Beth Lisick was with me at an event in Las Vegas recently, …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on July 2, 2007
When Dan, our produce buyer, announced on Friday that we would be getting blueberries for the Harvest Flyer and Organic crates this week, Jeff, our distribution manager told us this. Jeff: "When I …
By FruitGuys Staff on June 25, 2007
Here's my little poem, I've sprinkled it with rhyme Tis an ode to the fresh sweet tastes of fruit in summertime. Week one of grapes has now arrived from warm California sun We've found again the white …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on June 12, 2007
Here's a riddle: What non-human life form looks like a tree, is a gigantic herb and produces a single flower from which 20 hands grow??? If you're thinking of "Tree-Zilla," that terrifying jungle …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on June 4, 2007
Remember when you were a kid and first heard about Swiss Army knives -- "It actually has scissors in it?" What couldn't it do? Finding out about the extras that the things you use have is an important …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on May 21, 2007
Blake Carlson started his farm in 1985 along with his wife, Lisa. They grow grapes, peaches, nectarines, plums, and pluots in the central valley of California. Together with their crew of pickers, …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on April 30, 2007
Mr. Jackson is down on one knee, silver stopwatch in hand. He's smiling and calling out times as runners cross the orange cones at the finish line. Our entire fifth-grade class is bumping up against …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on April 23, 2007
Did I ever tell you the story about the spring I thought I was Bjorn Borg? The entire top drawer of my dresser was filled with deep-pile sweatbands. As it warmed up from winter into spring I'd trade …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on April 18, 2007
It's Saturday afternoon and I'm racing around to re-print the newsletter. Every Friday I get together with Dan, our produce buyer, to go over what is new and unique in the crates for Monday. This …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on April 9, 2007
We all wore togas to our Latin Club party my senior year in high school. I wasn't a great Latin student, but I lived by the motto developed by our Latin club members - semper ubi sub-ubi, "Always wear …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on April 2, 2007
April had a knack for making my life complicated. So when April walked through my door on the First, I couldn't help but feel like a fool. "Trick or Treat," she said with a smile. It was all show and …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on March 26, 2007
Erin, our FruitGuys marketing maven, was cooking dinner last week while her son played at the kitchen table with his Playmobile pirate set. He pumped his men up for battle: "It's gonna be dangerous. …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on March 19, 2007
It's 1980, and yes, I'm wearing Izod. My dad has a consulting gig with a large hospital group in LA, and we're on a flight from Philadelphia to Los Angeles. Tray table down, window shades up, my folks …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on February 26, 2007
They were standing around the FruitCrate when all heck broke loose. Jane was trying to convince John that "grapefruit" descended from a dinosaur egg-sized fruit-grape that used to grow under …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on February 20, 2007
Bob is standing next to the FruitGuys crate, cutting an avocado in half. Jane's new soft-soled shoes make her quiet like a cat as she walks to the fruit. There's a song in the air that Jane can't …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on February 12, 2007
During mid-winter, I feel like I need a carnival sideshow to keep me motivated. "See the 12-foot-tall Giraffe Man who eats leaves from the tops of trees! Dare to pet the terrifying, two-headed, …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on February 5, 2007
I've been writing about the travels of our fruit buyer Dan a great deal lately. There are two reasons - first is that Dan is very active in seeking out great farmers to work with, and second is that …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on January 29, 2007
I think that we sometimes forget that technology is found as equally in shop class as it is in an iPod. Technology doesn't have to be wi-fi or silicon-based to be exciting or accessible to us. It can …
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