The FruitGuys
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By Chris Mittelstaedt on February 6, 2006
Have I mentioned how impressed I am with nature? I gave it a job review previously. I mean, all those things it does for us, like make the trees magically bud and the gnomes come out and those talking …
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By Chris Mittelstaedt on January 30, 2006
You know a trend is emerging when the largest selling newspaper in the world picks it up. Last week The Weekly World News noted on page three that an apple tree was changing a man's life. After …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on January 23, 2006
Dad is on the hood of the family Volvo - jumping up and down and cursing. I'm 18 years old, it's the 4th of July weekend, and we're having a grand old time. Yesterday, I drove the family car into …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on December 12, 2005
Scott, the ice cream store manager, looks up from behind his bushy brown mustache. His feathered hair is a constant windblown reminder of his recent promotion and brand-spanking-new black Trans-Am …
I remember that the Thai police officer smelled like oranges. Out! He yelled, waving his finger and pointing at the three of us sitting in the Toyota minivans middle seat. No one moved. The Brit next …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on November 21, 2005
It is Thanksgiving 1975, and our customer service FruitGuy, Erin Giordano is eight years old. Wild red hair and polyester, she is off at her aunt Dorothy's house in Glendale, California for the …
Oranges are oranges, right? Not so. Did you know that the Navel orange we enjoy in California from late fall to springtime has many different varieties? Growers plant Navels with names like the …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on November 10, 2005
Saturday night and my kids are stuffing ice packs in their shirts. I am FREEEEZING!!! they yell while running around and laughing wildly. How wonderful to feel so excited by such simple, new things. …
The Arkansas Black is a dark, purplish apple and is thought to be a descendant of the Winesap. The Arkansas Black was said to be discovered in Benton County, Arkansas in 1870. These apples come …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on October 25, 2005
It happens once a year, and boy is it exciting. When the Satsumas come out, I make a point to wear orange knickers to the office and speak in verse all day long. Yes, it is the annual Satsuma Zooma …
John Smit emigrated from the Netherlands to California in the 1960s and purchased land in Linden to start a dairy. In 1969 he began transforming his dairy farm into an apple orchard. He was intrigued …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on October 12, 2005
What does nutrition mean? According to, it is: 1. The process of nourishing or being nourished, especially the process by which a living organism assimilates food and uses it for …
Fifty years ago, words like nutrition and wellness meant steak and eggs; today, they mean isoflavonoids, antioxidants, and fruit in your office. While our long-term perspectives on food change as …
By Chris Mittelstaedt on September 19, 2005
In early September of 2005, I attended the Governors Obesity Summit in Sacramento, CA. The summit brought together 125 people from private, government, and social organizations who are trying to stem …
I often feel like Steve Martin in the movie The Jerk. Not because I wear paper hats or have finally found my special purpose; but because when the French Butter pears arrive, I run into public places …
When I was born, my grandfather Popi planted a peach tree in the small back yard of his house in Metairie, Lousiana. He did the same three years later for my sister Jenna and five years after that for …
When my sister was three years old, she loved plums. Dad called her the "plum body." She would go to the oven and pull down the small, bottom door that held the pots and pans. She carefully spread out …
We want a story, my four-year-old girls said recently. Okay, I agreed. Once there was a king. Did he have a unicorn? Simone said. Yes, I said. But this unicorn had a net growing out of his head …
A majority of the fruit grown in the U.S. comes from California. Much of that is within 300 miles of the Bay Area.
Thanks again for all your votes for The FruitGuys in The Best of the Bay readers poll for best produce delivery. I really am flattered. The awards were handed out last Thursday night at the Bay …
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