Fruit Delivery | Fresh Organic Produce Delivery
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
In the pantheon of great lyrical misunderstandings, I remember this: summer sunlight circa the mid-1970s and me dancing around our living room while singing at the top of my lungs to the “The Age of …
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Tagged With: nectarine, stone fruit, summer
By Bridget Meigs on
PHILADELPHIA My commute: therapeutic, thought-provoking, calming and centering. Is such a commute possible? You bet! I am one of the estimated 10,000 Philadelphia residents who bike to work each …
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Tagged With: Philadelphia
By Pia Hinckle on
The Light Brown Apple Moth is an indigenous pest considered harmless to crops in New Zealand, Hawaii, Australia, and the UK, all countries that are free to export fruits and vegetables to U.S. markets …
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Tagged With: Agriculture, California, farm, pesticides
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
Cherry season is short but always special. Learn more about the cherries you receive in your FruitGuys boxes!
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Tagged With: fresh fruit, seasonal fruit, stone fruit
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
When the price of corn started going up in Exeter, California due to high demand for ethanol, Mr. Herrera, an owner of 22 acres of family farmland, nearly plowed under his 40-year-old plum orchard. …
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Tagged With: family farm, small farms
By Bridget Meigs on
Warm spring weather is waking up the farmer in me. I suddenly have the urge to sink my hands into the soil and grow greens, tomatoes, potatoes – you name it. A new resident of Philadelphia, I was not …
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Tagged With: farm, Philadelphia
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
In elementary school, some friends and I went through a phase where we had dreams of being city planners. We diagrammed a world of baseball diamonds and arcades and woods with bike paths that somehow …
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Tagged With: California
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
Nick fell into my office crying like an Italian sub forced onto sprouted wheat that had run aground on Mixed Metaphor Island. “Fire all morta-della-pedos!” he shouted in meat panic. He was in …
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Tagged With: stone fruit
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
Our all-seeing school bus driver with the flip-up, two-tone shades, and an extra-wide mirror above her head had a ranking system that was distinguishable by the depth and tone of her voice. Sit in …
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Tagged With: berries
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
Chrissy W., a Fruitguys customer service expert, flies me back to South Carolina on a magic carpet woven just for Mother’s Day from matriarchal memory threads in a southern storytelling …
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Tagged With: stone fruit
By The FruitGuys on
The FruitGuys recently donated an owl box to Kauffman's Fruit Farm in Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania. Here are a few photos of owls on the farm. We hope they'll begin using our box soon! Stay tuned for …
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Tagged With: GoodWorks
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