The Fuji is a wildly successful and well-loved apple. Many of its "sports" have received accolades and patents. The Myra is a pink offshoot discovered by Myles Van Leuven in an orchard near Prescott, …
Fruit Delivery | Fresh Organic Produce Delivery
By FruitGuys Staff on
The Fuji is a wildly successful and well-loved apple. Many of its "sports" have received accolades and patents. The Myra is a pink offshoot discovered by Myles Van Leuven in an orchard near Prescott, …
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Filed Under: Fruit Tips, FruitGuys News Tagged With: apple
By Rebecca Taggart on
Aristotle and Steve Jobs both did it. Did what exactly? Walking at work. Walking is a great form of exercise and a surprisingly good fit at work. Healthy employees save an organization both time …
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Filed Under: FruitGuys News, WorkLife Tagged With: apple
By The FruitGuys on
Adapted from INGREDIENTS ⅔ cup carrot, grated ⅔ cup apple, grated (peel is optional) ⅔ cup raw turnip, peeled and grated Several full lettuce …
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Filed Under: FruitGuys News, Recipes Tagged With: apple, salad
By FruitGuys Staff on
Crimson – the color of kings and apples in fairy tales. The Crimson Gala is large and crisp with a few spots of green. Only take this apple from your reputable FruitGuy and not witches in disguise. …
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Filed Under: Fruit Tips, FruitGuys News Tagged With: apple
By Pia Hinckle on
Thanksgiving Crafts you Can Eat By Pia Hinckle Thanksgiving, when I was a kid, was always a massive affair. My mother would roast a monstrous turkey that barely fit in the oven; friends and family …
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Filed Under: Fruit Tips, FruitGuys News, Health and Fitness, Recipes Tagged With: apple
By Karla Milosevich on
Recipe by Karla Milosevich INGREDIENTS 1 head romaine lettuce 1 head radicchio 1 apple or pear (or a combination), thinly sliced Chopped nuts (walnuts and pecans work quite well) to …
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Filed Under: FruitGuys News, Recipes Tagged With: apple, pear
By The FruitGuys on
Adapted from INGREDIENTS 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar 2 tablespoons coarse mustard 2 teaspoons honey 1 shallot, chopped ½ teaspoon pepper ¼ cup …
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Filed Under: FruitGuys News, Recipes Tagged With: apple, salad
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
Change has come slowly but steadily to the foods we’ve eaten over the last 70 years. While there has been no acute onset to clearly demonstrate the difference between the food of today and yesterday, …
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Filed Under: FruitGuys News, Profiles Tagged With: apple, California, fall, Gravenstein
By The FruitGuys on
Adapted from INGREDIENTS 1 sugar cane, washed well and cut into 1/4-inch sticks, tapered to a point on each end to form skewers (leave the skin on—it helps strengthen the …
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Filed Under: FruitGuys News, Recipes Tagged With: apple, Banana, dessert, fresh fruit, stone fruit, tropical fruit
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
Ben Franklin is known for a lot of things. From signing the Declaration of Independence and later the Constitution to kicking back with his buddies for a bit of experimenting in electricity, …
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Filed Under: FruitGuys News Tagged With: apple, vegetarian
By Rebecca North on
Everyone knows the old adage “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” but research over the last two decades has begun to reveal why that is true: strongly antioxidant polyphenols that reside in the …
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Filed Under: FruitGuys News, Health and Fitness Tagged With: apple, health benefits
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
I try to stay out of agricultural politics. I’d rather support farmers by buying their wonderful produce without having to testify on their behalf. Sometimes, however, circumstances land on your …
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Filed Under: FruitGuys News Tagged With: Agriculture, apple, California, farmers
By Rebecca Taggart on
Looking for a miracle food that helps you lose weight, feel full, lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and keeps you regular? Fiber is the answer. Most of us know very little about fiber, beyond …
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Filed Under: Health and Fitness Tagged With: apple, berries, fiber, fresh fruit, health benefits, pear, stone fruit
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
Time for this year’s installment of that Fall classic: “As The World Tilts” (SCENE: FADE IN - A FruitGuys crate sits on an office kitchen counter; orange-bristly sunlight streams in through the …
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Filed Under: FruitGuys News Tagged With: apple, fall fruit, pear
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
My mother-in-law, in her infinite wisdom, always makes sure to let her grandchildren know that peeling fruit is not a good idea. “Don’t be Mr. Peeler, the vitamin stealer,” she tells them. I’ve always …
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Filed Under: FruitGuys News Tagged With: antioxidants, apple, fall, Nutrition, pear
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
Our FruitGuys softball team has a motto: “More runs than injuries.” Up until last week, we hadn’t yet won a game, but we were wildly successful with our safety goals. Mom would be proud. This past …
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Filed Under: FruitGuys News Tagged With: apple, pear
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
Bob: “Jane, we’re here in client services where Engineering is finally getting the chance to redeem themselves against Outbound Marketing. It’s been a tough winter Olympic season for Engineering whose …
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Filed Under: FruitGuys News Tagged With: apple, citrus
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
At dinner one night, I announced a grand holiday idea: “I think we should road trip this year when we go visit my folks,” I said enthusiastically. My wife and kids just stared. “Come on! No airports. …
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Filed Under: FruitGuys News Tagged With: apple
By FruitGuys Staff on
The Winesap is a light red apple with a slight cinnamon taste on the sides of the tongue, like spicy apple cider. …
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Filed Under: Fruit Tips, FruitGuys News Tagged With: apple
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