Valentine’s Day in the classroom typically features an avalanche of chocolates, conversation hearts, and sugar highs — but you don’t have to join the chaos! With a bit of foresight, you can plan fun …
Fruit Delivery | Fresh Organic Produce Delivery
By Lex Flamm on
Valentine’s Day in the classroom typically features an avalanche of chocolates, conversation hearts, and sugar highs — but you don’t have to join the chaos! With a bit of foresight, you can plan fun …
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Filed Under: Health and Fitness Tagged With: California, farm-to-school program, fresh fruit, healthy kids
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
The text came in old school: via Cowbell Morse code. “You’re a little rusty,” my catfish Bicycle mimed to me while I wrote down the incoming message. “Got it,” I quickly flagged back to Bicycle in …
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Filed Under: FruitGuys News Tagged With: fresh fruit, fruitguy noir
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
September always makes me feel butterflies of excitement. The change from summer to fall still paints faint memories of me looking for the perfect Trapper Keeper with a velcro flap or of dropping my …
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Filed Under: FruitGuys News, WorkLife Tagged With: fresh fruit, healthy office
By Pia Hinckle on
SANTA ROSA, CA—Marie Seppa knows her way around a canner. A spry 92-year-old with bright blue eyes, Marie has been canning since she was a child growing up on a farm in Eastern Oregon in the 1920s. …
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Filed Under: Recipes Tagged With: fall fruit, fresh fruit, seasonal fruit
By Rebecca Taggart on
There is more to fruit than meets the taste buds. The vitamins, phytochemicals, and fruit acids that make fruit so healthy can also be effective ingredients in homemade beauty products, natural …
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Filed Under: Fruit Tips, FruitGuys News Tagged With: fresh fruit, vegetables
By FruitGuys Staff on
If you prefer your bananas with pedigree, then the Cavendish is for you. It has peerage - so you may address your banana as Duke, Marquess, Earl, Viscount - or Baron Banana. But if our banana doesn't …
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Filed Under: Fruit Tips, FruitGuys News Tagged With: Banana, fresh fruit
By FruitGuys Staff on
Dah-ling, what better way to kick off the morning meeting than with itsy bitsy champagne grapes. Black Corinth grapes, sweetie. Corinth as in Greece, as in Onassis. These grapes are just the cutest …
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Filed Under: Fruit Tips, FruitGuys News Tagged With: fresh fruit, grapes
By FruitGuys Staff on
Symonym, cinn-man-ym. Cin-a-mon. Whew! Autumn Glory is a new apple from Washington which is a cross between Fuji and Golden Delicious with a hint of cinnamon. They are not GMO. Now can you say …
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Filed Under: Fruit Tips, FruitGuys News Tagged With: apple, fall, fresh fruit
By The FruitGuys on
Aurora is a golden apple. Not the one the Greek huntress Atlanta raced Hippomenes for, this golden apple is much easier to find. Just look in your FruitGuys box! …
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Filed Under: Fruit Tips, FruitGuys News Tagged With: apple, fresh fruit
By The FruitGuys on
Pronounced “joo-joo-bee,” the jujube is a small, red, round fruit that, when dried, has a consistency and sweetness similar to dried dates. Dried jujubes are high in vitamins and minerals (especially …
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Filed Under: Fruit Tips, FruitGuys News Tagged With: fresh fruit, healthy snacks, stone fruit
By The FruitGuys on
The FruitGuys buys the best produce we can find from small and local farms whenever possible. Our regional hubs across the country allow us to create local networks of farms and produce wholesalers so …
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Filed Under: Fruit Tips, FruitGuys News Tagged With: farm, fresh fruit
By Rebecca Taggart on
Recently I overheard someone at the gym recommending green apples over red ones because they supposedly contain less sugar. This seemed a strange idea, since the sugar in fruit isn’t like added sugar …
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Filed Under: Fruit Tips Tagged With: fresh fruit
By The FruitGuys on
Fuyu persimmons are a delightful seasonal fruit. Here's your ultimate guide to enjoying them all autumn long! A Rare Kind of Ripeness Unlike other persimmons, Fuyus are never astringent, so you can …
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Filed Under: Fruit Tips Tagged With: California, fall fruit, fresh fruit
By Tanya Milosevich on
Recipe courtesy of Tanya Milosevich INGREDIENTS 2–4 peaches, cut in half, stone removed 3 to 4 Amaretti or almond cookies, crumbled ½ cup heavy cream, whipped PREPARATION Grill the …
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Filed Under: FruitGuys News, Recipes Tagged With: dessert, fresh fruit
By The FruitGuys on
Adapted from INGREDIENTS 1 sugar cane, washed well and cut into 1/4-inch sticks, tapered to a point on each end to form skewers (leave the skin on—it helps strengthen the …
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Filed Under: FruitGuys News, Recipes Tagged With: apple, Banana, dessert, fresh fruit, stone fruit, tropical fruit
By Rebecca Taggart on
Looking for a miracle food that helps you lose weight, feel full, lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and keeps you regular? Fiber is the answer. Most of us know very little about fiber, beyond …
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Filed Under: Health and Fitness Tagged With: apple, berries, fiber, fresh fruit, health benefits, pear, stone fruit
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
I have many favorite fruits but cherries hold a special place in my heart. Maybe it’s because their harvest period is relatively short; or maybe it’s because they just taste so good—whatever the …
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Filed Under: FruitGuys News Tagged With: fresh fruit, seasonal fruit, stone fruit
By The FruitGuys on
A pear that lives up to its name. The best ever pear ripens and eats similarly to a Bartlett but can have increased sugar content. Outwardly, it may exhibit signs of “russetting,” or spots on the skin …
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Filed Under: Fruit Tips, FruitGuys News Tagged With: fresh fruit, pear
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
Day 26: The marsh of cubicles has cursed our party. We lost Lenny two days ago to the gurgling fried dough found in the quicksand pits of a budget-planning meeting. Sue has been eating the native …
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Filed Under: FruitGuys News Tagged With: citrus, fresh fruit, Nutrition
By Chris Mittelstaedt on
Lily, my four-year-old niece, who says things like, “Daddy, are you satisfied?” or “Mommy, what does the word "comely" mean?” decided last weekend that when going to swimming lessons one has a duty to …
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Filed Under: FruitGuys News Tagged With: fresh fruit, health
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